News and Resources

Sep 19, 2018

Timber trade is booming in Njombe, Tanzania

Tanzania, explaining the benefits and challenges of being a forester/farmer and wood trader in the region. FFD and TTGAU (Tanzanian Tree Grower Associations' Union) are in cooperation in Tanzania.

Nov 02, 2017

Conference of Forest and Farm Producer Organizations

One hundred and twenty four (86 men and 38 women) representatives of forest producer organizations, governments, and support agencies met for two days to exchange experiences on the challenges and opportunities facing smallholder forest producers…

Jan 21, 2017

Private forestry sector in Tanzania: status and potential

In many African countries, the private sector in forestry is almost non-existent as an organized entity that one can dialogue with. This is also true in Tanzania, the country this study reports on, and where the sector is at its infancy, and needs…

Sep 10, 2015

Needs of Tree Growers, Farmers And Tree Growers Associations

Southern highlands zone is the potential area where tree farming is done to the extent every family does it like a normal cultivation of other food Crops. These farmers are of different
varieties in terms of organization as follows;

Nov 16, 2011

Forestry Investments –Driver for Sustainable Development

Fast growing plantation forests in Southern Highlands, Tanzania 2009; Objective 1: to attract more private investments and business in forest sector; Objective 2: promote cooperation among individual small-scale tree growers, service providers and…